Spring is here..it's time to take that laundry outside to dry. Hardcore energy conservationists probably dry their clothes outside in the winter too, but I'm a bit too wimpy for that. In the winter I dry my clothes on drying racks inside. But now that it's warm and sunny I'm using my NEW
breezecatcher drying rack. I just purchased and installed it several weeks ago and I LOVE IT. Jeremy says "you're getting old when your excitement for the week is hanging your laundry up to dry". But seriously...going outside on a sunny day in April, watching and listening to the robins, seeing my solar panels pumping free hot water into my house, and using my new clothes dryer is a great experience. I highly recommend it.
I like how the picture combines the solar water heating with the solar clothes drying! We live in an apartment and don't have a clothesline, but still air dry our clothes using this clothes drying rack - being round it works really nice under our ceiling fan!
I lime that circular rack. We use clothes lines in the basement but I have been thinking about something a little higher tech. My idea is to make a drying rack out of copper tubing (3/4 in for headers and 1/2 inch for the "lines" spaced about 12-16" apart. Then I would divert the return hot water from the boiler thru the tubing grid on which the clothes are hanging before it goes to the boiler return. This would shorten the drying time, humidify the house in winter, and lower the return water temp further, which is important with a condensing type boiler for higher efficiency. When not drying clothes, it could also act a radiator to warm the space. I would hang mine from the ceiling, but it could be wall mounted too.
We have always used solar energy even as before humans have existed. We use the solar energy every day in many different ways. When we hang laundry outside to dry in the sun, we are using the solar heat to do work, drying our clothes.
hey. these ideas are amazing. thanks for sharing them. it was really nice to read about such relevant blog. do keep up posting some more.
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